DUE TODAY: VOCABULARY 9. For full credit, please turn in at the beginning of class.
We are continuing with realism today, specifically the film version of the short story An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce.
You have a handout with four questions based upon the film. These are due tomorrow. (Copy below; link to film above)
As you watch the film, I will sign you course selection sheet.
For THURSDAY MARCH 1 (copied from yesterday's blog) In approximately 300-400 words, respond to this question: How did the immigrant experience in the Lower East Side of New York impact assimilation into mainstream America? Please write two paragraphs that take into consideration both the positive and negative experiences of the immigrants who lived in the Lower East Side of New York in the latter half of the 19th century. While it is NOT necessary to use specific textual evidence to write this, you should base your information on the Crane's Maggie, Girl of the Streets and Riis' How the Other Half Lives, specifically on the chapter you were assigned to read. (If you never read your chapter, now would be a good time!)
Friday March 2: short story vocabulary quiz.
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