ELA exam Tuesday 24 January 12:15
Nature's Faces:
From the AlaskaDispatch: "Is this the winter of Mother Nature's discontent?" "Those living in Alaska have to wonder. It's like the poor old gal has gone schizophrenic.
In class: first a look at the application of an organic view of the world. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ic8ruziJ48
Everyone was to have read Emerson's Self-Reliance. Seven groups will present an analysis of assigned paragraphs, first defining any words or concepts that are important in understanding Emerson's ideas. As well, point out any connections to Romanticism and Trancendentalism.
Grading: you grade each other as before.
Anyone absent for either day will be assigned a paragraph to write an individual analysis.
These will be presented on Friday.
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