Wednesday: Please head to the 3rd floor computer lab. You will a list of Walden quotes from which you will choose two and explain in terms of the reading you completed for today.
Wednesday- Thanatopsis essay due at the beginning of class or before. Get that MLA heading correct!
ELA exam is next Tuesday at 12:15.

Henry David Thoreau lived at Walden Pond from July 1845 to September 1847. His experience at Walden provided the material for the book Walden, which is credited with helping to inspire awareness and respect for the natural environment. Because of Thoreau's legacy, Walden Pond has been designated a National Historic Landmark and is considered the birthplace of the conservation movement.
Henry David Thoreau’s sojourn at Walden started a long tradition of people coming to the pond and its surrounding woods for recreation and inspiration. The emergence of Walden as a public park was in keeping with the belief that nature is meant to be enjoyed by people. "I think that each town should have a park…a common possession forever, for instruction and recreation," he wrote in a 1859 journal entry lamenting the deforestation that had taken place around Walden. "All Walden wood might have been preserved for our park forever, with Walden in its midst."

Bathers at Walden Pond in the early twentieth century
The automobile brought increasing numbers of visitors to Walden Pond. The Town of Concord began offering swimming lessons in 1913 and bathhouses were built in 1917. Summer visitation had risen to 2,000 visitors a day even before the bathhouses were built.In 1922, the Emerson, Forbes and Heywood families granted approximately 80 acres surrounding the pond to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts with the stipulation of "preserving the Walden of Emerson and Thoreau, its shores and nearby woodlands for the public who wish to enjoy the pond, the woods and nature, including bathing, boating, fishing and picnicking." Middlesex County was given the responsibility for management of the reservation. In the summer of 1935, some 485,000 people visited Walden Pond, with Sunday crowds numbering as high as 25,000 visitors.
In November of 1945, the centennial of Thoreau’s move to Walden, Roland Wells Robbins, an amateur historian and Thoreau enthusiast, discovered and excavated the foundation of Thoreau’s chimney. In July of 1947, the Thoreau Society dedicated the inscribed fieldstone that marks the hearth site today. In 1965, the National Park Service designated Walden Pond as a Registered National Historic Landmark.
Class Material for discussion
1. What is the key element of Thoreau's Walden that makes his purchases possible, as well as indicates he is a Romantic?
2. How was it possible for Thoreau to have "been a rich man without any damage to [his] poverty?
3. In what way does a poet enjoy "the most valuable part of a farm?"
4. What was the attraction of the Hollowell farm?
5. Explain the similarities in being "committed top a farm or the county jail?"
6. Find a parallel to this quote: ",,,the poem of creation is uninterrupted; but few are the ears that hear it."
7. What does Thoreau mean when he says "we live meanly, like ants?"
8. Why did Thoreau leave the woods?
To think about: individualism, spiritual connection with nature; challenging societal traditions and expectations.
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