Thursday 19 January ELA review ![]() |
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In class: section 3 review.
Homework for Friday: please write an introduction only to the following critical lens, using two works we have covered this year. (Don't forget genre, title, author and the incorporation of literary elements in the introduction. Post these, as we are looking at them as a class. If you have trouble posting, make sure I have your introduction by 6 am tomorrow, so that I can put it up. Be mindful of grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.
Critical Lens: Men are at the mercy of all events and cannot control them...Herodotus
Herodotus once said "Men are at the mercy of all events and cannot control them..." Essentially, our fate or destiny has been decided and there is nothing we can do about it. Two works of literature that challenge the truth of this quote are Hamlet by William Shakespeare and The Scarlett Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Hamlet faces the ongoing struggle of if and when he should avenge his father's death. Hester Prynne refuses to let her sin shame her into hiding. Through characterization, conflict, and setting, these two authors prove that a decision, no matter how hard it is to make or what consequences result, is our decision to make.
ReplyDeleteHerodotus once said “Men are at the mercy of all events and cannot control them.” This quote is easy to agree with. This quote by Herodotus is saying that individuals have no control over the events that are destined to happen in society, and that we as an individual are at the mercy of these events and have no power over them. This quote is easy to agree with. The poem “Nature” by Emerson and the excerpt “Walden” by Henry David Thoreau’s are two works of literature that are related to this quote. The poem “Nature” by Emerson and the excerpt “Walden” by Henry David Thoreau’s both have characters, who have events in their lives that they cannot control.
ReplyDeleteAshley Lawson-
ReplyDeleteHerodotus once said, “Men are at the mercy of all events and cannot control them.” In other words this means that humanity has no control over certain events that happen from which things change, and it’s something they have to deal with over time. It is easy to agree with this quote, and it can be proven through two pieces of literature. The plot in the play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, and the characterization of Hester Prynne in the fiction novel, The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, connect with this quote.
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ReplyDeleteArieanna Burroughs-
ReplyDeleteHerodotus once said “ Men are at the mercy of all events and cannot control them.” In other words, man is not able to predict the future, therefore they are unable to control what is going to take place in their life. All one can do is change the things that have already occurred and deal with the things that they have no power over. Two authors that has written works of literature proving this quote to be true are, the novel The Scarlett Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorn and the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare. The main characters in each work of literature have experienced situations in their life that they were unable to control. The ability to control what happens in ones life is unlikely to occur, the future cannot be predicted and the past cannot be changed.
Herodotus once said, "Men are at the mercy of all events and cannot control them." In essence, Herodotus is basically saying that fate is fate and everyone will have to deal with whatever life throws at them because we can't control what the future holds. This quote is most definetly easily agreeable with. This quote can be proven evident in, The Scarlet Letter, a novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne, and the Hamlet, play by William Shakespeare. Through the characterization of Hamlet from the play Hamlet, and the characterization of Hester in the Scarlet letter, both of these characters have to deal with the fate in which they experience throughout their lives, whether they expect it or not.
ReplyDeleteNah’Tivah Ross
ReplyDeleteHerodotus once said, “Men are at the mercy of all events and cannot control them.” This quote means that people cannot control there fate. You cannot choose what happens to you, you can only choose how you react to it. This quote is agreeable because as people, we do not know what the future holds, and we cannot control what happens. In the poem, Thanatopsis by William Cullen Bryant and the romantic novel The Scarlett Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne fate plays a significant role and as a result, it determines the characters future. In Thanatopsis, Bryant explores the beauty of nature and fate in death, in a different way, Hawthorne explores the essence of fate when an individual’s sins have ultimately surrounded them and then controls her destiny.
Herodotus once said, "Men are at the mercy of all events and cannot control them." Herodotus was basically trying to say that men can not control what the future holds for them. This qoute is easy to agree with. Two examples of literature that agree with this qoute are The scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne and Henry David Thoreau's. The reason why these two pieces of literature support this qoute is because they both had characters who could not avoid there fate no matter what they tried to do.
ReplyDeleteHerodotus once said, "Men are at the mercy of all events and cannot control them." The main point that Herodotus is trying to pass off is that the game pieces that are our life are already set up and cannot be moved, that we have no effect in our lives events. This quote is disagreeable, because while we have no notion of what could happen around the corner, we have the power to step back and analyse how we would take it on. One character who does just this is Hamlet from Shakespeare's Hamlet, for how he is conflicted in his decision to murder his uncle. Another piece of liturature to back this up is Thanatopsis, in which Bryant explores the fate in death but the beauty of nature that clouds it. No persons action is written in stone until it has been done.
ReplyDelete“Men are at the mercy of all events and cannot control them,” by Herodotus means that men are victims of actions in which they are powerless against. This quote can be proven true through the two pieces of literature Hamlet, a play by William Shakespeare and The Scarlet Letter, a novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Both authors use the literary elements of characterization and conflict to support the idea that fate will ultimately control a man’s life; the individual’s life choices having no effect on the culmination.
Kimicah Roberson
ReplyDeleteMs. Parker
Critical Lens
19 January 2012
Herodotus once said “Men are at the mercy of all events and cannot control them.” In other words, there are many events that happen in life that we as human beings feel responsible for but cannot control the outcome. This idea is expressed in the romantic novel “Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne and the playwright “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare. These ideas are incorporated with literary elements such as characterization and plot. Often times; society feel responsible for the natural crucial journeys that are traveled in life.
Kerri Greenaway
ReplyDeleteHerodotus once said " Men are at the mercy of all events and cannot control them." In other words, there are things that happen in life that are beyond anyone's control how the situation ends. This is expressed in the novel "The Scarlett Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne and the play "Antigone" by Sophicles through the literary elements of plot and characterization.
ReplyDelete“Men are at the mercy of all events and cannot control them.” This wisdom was spoken by Herodotus. What this means is that everyone has a certain fate in life and, no matter how hard one might try, this fate is inevitable. Using examples from literary works such as “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”, a short story written by Washington Irving and “Hamlet”, a play written by William Shakespeare, opinions can be easily swayed to favor Herodotus’ view. These authors’ use of tone and plot development help to validate Herodotus’ theory.
Herodotus once said "Men are at the mercy of all events and cannot control them." This is difficult to agree with. By this herodotus means that it's impossible to change your fate. However, in literature, characters often achieve their goals against all odds. A prime example would be hester prynne in Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Scarlette Letter." Another example would be Hamlet in shakespeare's "Hamlet".
ReplyDeleteErin Cotton
ReplyDeleteIt was once said by Herodotus “men are at the mercy of all events and cannot control them.” This quote can be interpreted by saying that men (and woman) are in a way summoned to their fate and there is nothing that can be done about it, they have to simply accept what happens to them and move on. The things that happen to men throughout their lives are their own experiences that cannot be changed or affected. Being at the mercy of one’s own life occurrences is basically inevitable and must be taken in stride.
Leon Lin
ReplyDeleteMs. Parker
English HIII Period # 5
Critical Lens
According to Herodotus, “Men are at the mercy of all events and cannot control them...” This quote can have many different interpretations; one interpretation for this quote is humanity has no saying or determining what their density is because fate is already chosen for them. This quote is easy to agree with, and two novels that can prove this point are A Thousand Splendid Suns, by Khaled Hosseini and The Bluest Eye, by Toni Morrison. The main characters in these novels have to undergo challenges, obstacles, and flaws that they must overcome.
Matt R.
Critical Lens
19 January 2012
Humanity is constantly buffeted by the sands of time. Herodotus supports this philosophy with his quote, “Men are at the mercy of all events and cannot control them.” This quote is easy to agree with, and in other words, means that even though an individual may think he is control of his own life, he is really at the will of fate and time, and cannot always manipulate them. This quote can be supported by, Hamlet, a tragic play written by William Shakespeare, and The Scarlet Letter, a novel written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Both authors use figurative language, such as, characterization to truly personify the protagonists, and illustrate their struggles against time and destiny.
Meghan Rebholz
ReplyDeleteMs. Parker
Critical Lens Intro
19 January 2012
Herodotus once wrote “Men are at mercy of all events and cannot control them.” Through his words, Herodotus illustrates that there are certain situations in one’s life which are left completely up to fate. The message conveyed in this quote is easy to agree with. It is justified by the use of characterization of Hamlet in William Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, and the characterization of Hester in the novel The Scarlett Letter written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Both characters are forced to endure unpredictable events throughout their life.
Herodotus once said, “Men are at the mercy of all events and cannot control them Herodotus.” Herodotus is saying that Men have no control over any events that they face. This quote is true. Two works of literature that will prove this quote true are the “Scarlet Letter” a novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne and “Thanatopsis” a poem by William Cullen Bryant. In both works of literature there are situations that the characters faced in which they couldn’t control.
ReplyDelete"Men are at the mercy of all events and cannot control them." Was once said by Herodotus. What he meant was that people cannot control the good or bad things that happen around them. Both the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare and the novel The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne are examples of Herodotus’ wisdom. In both Hamlet and The Scarlet Letter Herodotus’ truth can be proven true though plot.
Once said by the Herodotus “Men are at the mercy of all events and cannot control them.” This implies that in any given situation men do not have any control over anything, nor any power to overrule or determine an outcome of a situation. Men who do not display dominance give off a sign of weakness. The two works of literature that share qualities together are The Scarlet Letter written by Nathaniel Hawthorne and the poem ‘Thanatopsis’ by William Cullen Bryant. Both of these works exemplify the idea of romanticism and theme which give two different aspects to intrepid the quote.
ReplyDeleteOtchych, Julie
Critical lens
Humans are powerless when it comes to deciding their future. Man is constantly trying to take matters into his own hands and shape fate into something that pleases him. An ancient Greek historian, Herodotus, said that “Men are at the mercy of all events and cannot control them…” This means that humans cannot fight what is inevitably going to happen to them. The must wait and allow fate to decide what is going to happen. William Cullen Bryant’s poem Thanatopsis and William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet are two pieces of literature that agree with Herodotus. The characterization and theme of Shakespeare’s and Byrant’s literature show that man cannot escape fate’s grasp.
Quinton Smith
ReplyDeleteMs. Parker
Critical Lens Intro
19 January 2012
A man named Herodotus once said, "Men are at the mercy of all events and cannot control them." It is easy to agree with this quote. It can be interpreted to indicate that all events that occur within our lives we have no control over and we cannot change them. This quote is demonstrated in works of literature such as, The Scarlet Letter written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, and William Shakespeare's Hamlet.
"Men are at the mercy of all events and cannot control them". This quote by Herodotus states that sometimes things happen in life that we cannot do anything to change, in a word, fate. The quote is highly agreeable for humanity rests in the hands of a changing spiral of events in which absolutely no one has any control over anything. A great example of this can be found in both Night, by Elie Wiesel, and Macbeth, by William Shakespeare. From Macbeth's fortune, given to him by the witches, to young Elie's experience in Auschwitz. Humanity needs fate to keep order and remind us that no man or woman has complete and total power.
ReplyDelete-joe scardino